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doku:jupyterhub [2024/06/11 10:06] katrindoku:jupyterhub [2024/07/08 08:19] – [Start a new Jupyter server] grokyta
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 The VSC offers a JupyterHub service available for all VSC users at [[https://jupyterhub.vsc.ac.at]] The VSC offers a JupyterHub service available for all VSC users at [[https://jupyterhub.vsc.ac.at]]
-Login works with any cluster user (both VSC3 and VSC4) and uses the OTP like on the cluster. A VPN connection is not needed.+Login works with any cluster user and uses the OTP like on the cluster. A VPN connection is not needed.
 Also make sure to checkout the [[doku:jupyterhub#FAQ|FAQ]] to see if your question was already answered. Also make sure to checkout the [[doku:jupyterhub#FAQ|FAQ]] to see if your question was already answered.
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   * VSC-4 python venv   * VSC-4 python venv
   * VSC-4 conda python env   * VSC-4 conda python env
-  * VSC-Singularity Image +  * VSC-Singularity Image 
-  * VSC-3 GTX1080 GPU Singularity Image +  * VSC-5 A40 GPU Singularity Image 
-  * VSC-A40 GPU Singularity Image+  * VSC-5 A100 GPU Singularity Image 
 +  * VSC-5 python venv 
 +  * VSC-5 conda python env 
 +  * VSC-5 A40 GPU conda python env 
 +  * VSC-5 A100 GPU Singularity Image
   * If you are participating in a training, there is most likely only a single fixed profile or special training profiles available   * If you are participating in a training, there is most likely only a single fixed profile or special training profiles available
-**Note:** You need a VSC4 user for the VSC4 profiles and a VSC3 user for the VSC3 profiles. You also need to have logged into the respective cluster via SSH at least once after getting a username.+**Note:** You need a VSC4 user for the VSC4 profiles and a VSC5 user for the VSC5 profiles. You also need to have logged into the respective cluster via SSH at least once after getting a username.
 In all profiles, you can choose the IDE, either Jupyter Notebook or the more modern Jupyter Lab (which is the default) In all profiles, you can choose the IDE, either Jupyter Notebook or the more modern Jupyter Lab (which is the default)
  • doku/jupyterhub.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/09/09 13:52
  • by katrin