Account management
Phone number and email-address
Only the project manager can edit phone number and email-address on the projects' detail page. The accounts are listed in the section user accounts. For VSC-4 and VSC-5, a valid mobile phone number is necessary because login requires a two-factor authentication (password and SMS-token). Changing the phone number will create a new token, but this can take up to half an hour. Some phone numbers (especially US numbers) may not work immediately and need adaptations at our provider - is this case, please contact us.
If, for some reason, a phone number cannot be used by you, a hardware key (Yubikey) can be used. This provides two-factor authentication via a USB device. The Yubikey needs to be fetched from us, so please contact us if this is needed.
The user can change his password in the account review. If a password is lost, the project leader can reset the password by editing the user's data in the section user accounts of the projects' detail page.
Cluster resolved usage is visualized for each project member in the account review pages.